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Matriță de scară Flexcaster cu comandă PLC

Dimensiunea treptelor și contratreptelor acestei noi matrițe Flexcaster pot fi modificate prin utilizarea unui touch screen

Controllerul programabil (PLC) acționează 2 electromotoare, care  antrenează câte 2 tije filetate cu bile fiecare, modificând astfel simultan dimensiunea tuturor treptelor sau contratreptelor.

FLEXCASTER 2.0, a mould to cast stairs with top and bottom landings horizontally, with all adjustments fully automated and controlled by means of a PLC 

The operator uses a touchscreen to enter the riser and the going. Consequently, the PLC checks all safety sensors whether the mould is ready to be set, after which, the landings as well all the steps are adjusted according to the instructions of the operator. It takes only 3 minutes to complete a full cycle with nothing left to measure and the mould ready for use.

Other advantages of using a PLC are the higher safety and quality standards and the maintenance made a lot handier. A “cleaning button” sets the mould in its outer position, which makes it easy to clean the mould. Several sensors check if the side-form and pressure beam are fully closed and a visual control on the screen shows at what angle the top and bottom landings are set. This makes it easy to verify plans and design data, without the need for extra measuring equipment. The Flexcaster is just 1 example of Construx’ next generation precast moulds.

All moulds are tending towards foolproof, safe, labour-friendly and ergonomic design, and Construx knows how to deal with that.

Mai multe despre Matriță de scară Flexcaster cu comandă PLC