Self-reacting casting beds for beams and columns
Self-reacting casting beds for beams and columns
Modular and removable self-reacting beds to produce prestressed elements. A total of 4 beds with each an overall length of 86m and a usable length of 80m.
The prestressing beds have an overall width of 1250mm and can be used to make elements with a maximum width of 800mm.
All 4 beds have a modular setup:
- 3m live end with 8m bed
- 4 modular steel bed parts of 16m
- 3m dead end with 8m bed
- Width 1250mm
- Maximum element width 800mm
Three 25T anchors are fixed at each end. Each bed can be loaded to a maximum of 600T at 300mm eccentricity. Each live end consists of two 300T cylinders and two 150T cylinders, all with a 400mm stroke. The maximum prestressing moment is 180Tm.
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